The Role of Timber Products in South Africa’s Economy

South Africa’s timber industry is more than just a key economic sector—it’s a vital part of the nation’s growth, sustainability, and employment landscape. From furniture manufacturing to construction, timber products play an essential role in driving local economies and providing opportunities for businesses and individuals alike. Here, we explore the significant impact of timber on […]
South African Pine: An Affordable, Versatile, and Sustainable Softwood Solution

South African Pine, commonly referred to as SA Pine, encompasses several non-native species that have become integral to the country’s timber industry. The primary species cultivated are Pinus pinaster (Maritime Pine) and Pinus radiata (Radiata Pine), both introduced centuries ago and now extensively grown in plantations across South Africa. Origins and Growth Timber Characteristics Applications […]
Dowel Product Range

Use just 1 Dowel to Spark a Child’s Creativity

Many parents seek ways to keep their children engaged and away from their cell phones during the holidays. Working with dowels is an excellent way to stimulate your child’s creativity, as they can craft a variety of objects to play with afterward. This activity not only provides the means to create toys but also offers […]