What is a Dowel?

Dowel Definition

Dowel noun
dow·el | \ ˈdau̇(-ə)l  \

1a pin fitting into a hole in an abutting piece to prevent motion or slipping also a round rod or stick used especially for cutting up into dowels.
2a piece of wood driven into a wall so that other pieces can be nailed to it.

dowel is a cylindrical rod, usually made of woodplastic, or metal. In its original manufactured form, a dowel is called a dowel rod. Dowel rods are often cut into short lengths called dowel pins. Dowels are commonly used as structural reinforcements in cabinet making and in numerous other applications, including:

wooden dowel

Dowel in Afrikaans

Die regte vertaling vir die Engelse woord dowel is ‘n houtnael; klink; klinkbout of pen. Ongelukkig is meeste van die woorde bietjie oudtyds of onbekend, dus gebruik meeste Afrikaanse mense die Engelse woord. Maar ons hoop dat dit sal verander met die blootstelling wat die woord nou deur tegnologie kan verkry. 
Die webwerf hieronder gebruik sommer die woord “stokkie” wat tegnies ook korrek is.

Dowel translated to Afrikaans means: stokkie.
In other words, stokkie in Afrikaans is Dowel in English.


What are wooden dowels used for?

While seemingly an unremarkable product, dowels are used by industries such as mines, contractors, carpenters, furniture manufacturers, builders, scientists, bakers, sign makers, crafters, toymakers, hobbyists, pet accessory manufacturers and a myriad of other industrial and small enterprises.

Dowel & Co Fluted Dowel Assembly